Delayed Popup Window

Select all (ctrl 'A') the text script INSIDE of this text box directly below and copy it to your clipboard (ctrl 'C')

Open a your webpage that you want your popup to load in a program such as Wordpad or Notepad and paste the above text (ctrl 'V') in between the HEAD Tags of the document.

The head of your webpage should now look like the code directly below. Edit the RED text only to reflect the web address on the pop up window that will be displayed.



function openSpawner(url,name) {
window.open('hidden_popup.htm','popper','width=10,height=10,top=5000, left=5000,scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar= no,toolbar=no,resizable=no');



Now choose if you would like the popup window to display when your webpage opens or closes. If you would like the popup to load when your website is FIRST visited copy this line into the <BODY tag of your document.

<Body onLoad="openSpawner();self.blur()" ENTERS Page

If you would like the popup to load when your website is LEFT by the visitor copy this line into the <BODY tag of your document.

<Body unLoad="openSpawner();self.blur()" EXITS PAGE

Now create a page called hidden_popup.php and paste the following
in between the Body tags of the document. The body tags are what tells the web browser what the visitor can see:

As with the Head Code, Edit only the RED for your information that you want the script to do.

<script language=javascript>

//### array setup - leave this alone

var pURL = new Array();
var pName = new Array();
var pPos = new Array();
var pDelay = new Array();
var pHeight = new Array();
var pWidth = new Array();

//### configure your popups here ###

//### URLs of the Popup Windows ###
//### you can add as many as you want ###
//### start with [0] and increment up by one ([1], [2], etc...) ###

pURL[0] = "http://www.address1.com";
pURL[1] = "http://www.address2.com";
pURL[2] = "http://www.address3.com";
pURL[3] = "http://www.address4.com";

//### Name of the Popup Windows. If you choose the same name, it will
load in the same window ###
//### If you add URLs above you must add corresponding name below ###
pName[0] = "pop1";
pName[1] = "pop2";
pName[2] = "pop3";
pName[3] = "pop4";

//### Height of popup ###
//### If you add URLs above you must add corresponding height in pixels below ###
pHeight[0] = "200";
pHeight[1] = "500";
pHeight[2] = "800";
pHeight[3] = "300";

//### Width of popup ####
//### If you add URLs above you must add corresponding width in pixels below ###
pWidth[0] = "600";
pWidth[1] = "500";
pWidth[2] = "700";
pWidth[3] = "300";

//###position of popup. Options: center, random, base (0,0) ###
//### If you add URLs above you must add corresponding position below ###
pPos[0] = "center"
pPos[1] = "random"
pPos[2] = "random"
pPos[3] = "base"

//### seconds that will lapse before window pops up ###
//### If you add URLs above you must add corresponding delay below ###
pDelay[0] = "5";
pDelay[1] = "10";
pDelay[2] = "15";
pDelay[3] = "20";

//<--- don't edit any code below --->//

var win=null;
function OpenWindow(url,id,w,h,scroll,pos,t,l){

for(var npop in pURL){
var st=


After you have embedded the Head script into your page that you want to load your hidden popup from and after you have created your hidden popup page and edited your information, you are ready to upload your pages!


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