Meta-Tag Generator
Meta-Tag Generator |
generator will create custom meta-tags for HTML webpages. Meta-tags are used
by some search engine spiders to index your website. Fill in the values
below and click Make Code.
Add this tool to your website!
Click here to
view the source code to load the meta-generator page
that you can add to your website. When the page
loads, copy whats in the text area to notebook and
add to your html page, and name it to whatever you
want the page to be named. Place the page inside
your website folder. If you are using a browser that
does not allow you to save the page. View Source and
copy the HTML code into a blank document (Wordpad or
your HTML authoring program) and save the page into
your website folder. Make sure you add .html as the
file extention.
Load the meta-generator page
After you created you Meta-Tag Generator page, you
are ready to link your main website page to the
generator page you just created and upload your
changed pages!