Tell A
Select all (ctrl 'A')
the text script INSIDE of this text box directly
below and copy it to your clipboard
(ctrl 'C')
Open a your webpage that you want your tell a friend
email box to appear on, in a program such as Wordpad
or Notepad and paste the above text
(ctrl 'V') in
between the HEAD Tags of the document.
The head of your webpage should now look like the
code directly below. Edit the
text only to reflect your information. In the email
body fields. You must use \n to signify a line
break. Do not delete this code. Do not make your
message over 30 characters.
<!-- Begin
var initialsubj="Hey buddy,
take a look at this"
var initialmsg="Hi:\n
You may want to check out
this site:\n "
var good;
function checkEmailAddress(field) {
var goodEmail =
if (goodEmail) {
good = true;
else {
alert('Please enter a valid address.');
good = false;
u = window.location;
function mailThisUrl() {
good = false
if (good) {
//window.location =
window.location =
// End -->
For the above code to work, you will need to add a
form to the webpage where visitors can enter their
friends email address:
Select all (ctrl 'A')
the text script INSIDE of this text box directly
below and copy it to your clipboard
(ctrl 'C')
Paste the above form code in your webpage where you
want the form to appear in between the <body>
</body> tags of your HTML page..
After you have embedded the Head script into your
page, and added the form within the <body tags you
are ready to upload your pages!